Sorghum (Beras Putih)
Detail :
Category : Dried Fruit, Nut, Seed,Grain & Herbs
Packaging : 1 Kg/Pack
Description :
Detail :
Category : Nut, Seed & Grains
Packaging : 1 kg/pot.
Description :
Couscous is a very popular food in countries in Africa and the Middle East, such as Libya, Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon, Tunisia and Arabia. Indonesian people themselves know this type of food as Bulgur. Couscous itself comes from cracked raw wheat, with the final form resembling semolina, namely starch and wheat kernels. The shape is like small grains with a size of 1 mm, almost like rice. The difference lies in the shape of Couscous which is shorter and rounder. Couscous is usually used as an accompaniment to various dishes, especially foods that are high in carbohydrates, such as rice or potatoes. This food is very suitable for consumption by people with diabetes, cholesterol and heart disease because it is high in fiber, protein and iron. In the culinary world of people who live in Africa and the Middle East, couscous is often processed into kebuli rice, soup filling, or as a mixture of processed meat.
Detail :
Category : Bakery/Pastry Ingredient (Grains)
Packaging : 1 Kg/Pack
Description :
Coconut flakes are a popular ingredient in many different types of dishes, particularly in baking and desserts. They are made by shredding or grating coconut flesh into thin pieces and are available in sweetened or unsweetened varieties.
coconut flakes are a versatile ingredient that can be used in many different types of dishes to add sweetness, flavor, and texture.
Premium Desicated Coconut
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Burghul Coarse 1 kg by fatarfood
Detail :
Category : Bakery/Pastry Ingredient
Packaging : 1 Kg/Pack
Description :
Burghul Coarse
Burghul Fine 1 kg
Detail :
Category : Bakery/Pastry Ingredient
Packaging : 1 Kg/Pack
Description :
Burghul Fine
Rolled Oats 1 kg by fatarfood
Detail :
Category : Dried Fruit, Nut and Seed
Packaging : 1 Kg/Pack